10. Header Files

Header Files

In the previous example, you saw how to separate a class into one file (gaussian.cpp) that was separate from main.cpp. But both the main program file and the gaussian class file needed the exact same class declaration at the top of the code:

// class declaration
class Gaussian
        float mu, sigma2;


        // constructor functions
        Gaussian ();
        Gaussian (float, float);

        // change value of average and standard deviation 
        void setMu(float);
        void setSigma2(float);

        // output value of average and standard deviation
        float getMu();
        float getSigma2();

        // functions to evaluate 
        float evaluate (float);
        Gaussian mul (Gaussian);
        Gaussian add (Gaussian);

Instead of writing the entire declaration twice, a better option is to put the declaration into a header file. Then you can include the entire declaration with a single line of code:

Start Quiz:

#include <iostream>
#include "gaussian.h"

int main ()

	Gaussian mygaussian(30.0,20.0);
	Gaussian othergaussian(10.0,30.0);
	std::cout << "average " << mygaussian.getMu() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "evaluation " << mygaussian.evaluate(15.0) << std::endl;

	std::cout << "mul results sigma " << mygaussian.mul(othergaussian).getSigma2() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "mul results average " << mygaussian.mul(othergaussian).getMu() << std::endl;

	std::cout << "add results sigma " << mygaussian.add(othergaussian).getSigma2() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "add results average " << mygaussian.add(othergaussian).getMu() << std::endl;

	return 0;
#include <math.h>       /* sqrt, exp */
#include "gaussian.h"

Gaussian::Gaussian() {
	mu = 0;
	sigma2 = 1;	

Gaussian::Gaussian (float average, float sigma) {
	mu = average;
	sigma2 = sigma;

void Gaussian::setMu (float average) {
	mu = average;

void Gaussian::setSigma2 (float sigma) {
	sigma2 = sigma;

float Gaussian::getMu () {
	return mu;

float Gaussian::getSigma2() {
	return sigma2;

float Gaussian::evaluate(float x) {
	float coefficient;
	float exponential;

	coefficient = 1.0 / sqrt (2.0 * M_PI * sigma2);
	exponential = exp ( pow (-0.5 * (x - mu), 2) / sigma2 );
	return coefficient * exponential;

Gaussian Gaussian::mul(Gaussian other) {
	float denominator;
	float numerator;
	float new_mu;
	float new_var;

	denominator = sigma2 + other.getSigma2();
	numerator = mu * other.getSigma2() + other.getMu() * sigma2;
	new_mu = numerator / denominator;

	new_var = 1.0 / ( (1.0 / sigma2) + (1.0 / other.sigma2) );

	return Gaussian(new_mu, new_var);

Gaussian Gaussian::add(Gaussian other) {

	float new_mu;
	float new_sigma2;

	new_mu = mu + other.getMu();
	new_sigma2 = sigma2 + other.getSigma2();

	return Gaussian(new_mu, new_sigma2);
class Gaussian
		float mu, sigma2;

		// constructor functions
		Gaussian ();
		Gaussian (float, float);

		// change value of average and standard deviation 
		void setMu(float);
		void setSigma2(float);

		// output value of average and standard deviation
		float getMu();
		float getSigma2();

		// functions to evaluate 
		float evaluate (float);
		Gaussian mul (Gaussian);
		Gaussian add (Gaussian);

What goes in a header file?

You were introduced to header files in the previous lesson. Header files allowed you to put function declarations in a separate file. Ultimately, using and including header files makes it easier to re-use functions in different parts of your program. Furthermore, if the class declaration changes, you only have to change the declaration in one place.

For classes, header files serve the exact same purpose. When you use the Gaussian class in main.cpp, you can simply include the header file at the top include "gaussian.h". That gives main.cpp access to the Gaussian class.

Likewise, for gaussian.cpp, you can include the header file as well rather than writing out the entire declaration.

Using Include in Header Files

Generally, it's recommended to put the minimum number of #include statements needed into a header file. However, because header files essentially get copied into .cpp files, you might inadvertently include the same library or file multiple times. The consequence is that variables, functions or classes might be declared multiple times as well, and the code will not compile. In the next part of the lesson, you will learn what happens when elements get declared multiple times, and you will also learn how to avoid the multiple declarations.